Monday, March 8, 2010

the best thing and the worst thing.

the best? okay, am i becoming blog-obsessed? perhaps, just perhaps i am. i have found my thoughts often wondering during the day to what i should post on my blog. i found myself today actually brain-blogging. i was literally forming sentences for what i would want to put in my blog. it's all random and in-sequential and also totally distracting. i think one of these days i might get caught brain-blogging when i fail to listen in on a conversation or end up running into a sign on the street. but, with that being said i think that my new found blogsession has helped me look at my life in a different perspective. it's helped me to feel excited about things that normally would seem so ordinary as something that is extraordinary because i get to share it here with you, my 3 followers. haha. i mean it honestly doesn't matter how many people are following because i've found great pleasure just by writing here. and maybe somebody will read it and comment and that will make me happy. but, i will also be content to just write out into the unknow blogosphere. i am. blogsessed.

okay...after the best comes the worst. i know i know. but, i'll keep it short. the piggy flu has invaded my classroom. ahhh! just what i need right before parent/teacher conferences. apparently there's been another large outbreak of swine flu in hong kong and it's snuck it's ugly way in and attacked my classroom and students. i was missing 1/4 of my students today who are out sick with flu like symptoms and one of my boys is confirmed with H1N1. yikesers. so, now my class is basically being quarantined. my vice principal gave us our own set of masks to wear when we leave the classroom (apparently it's okay if we don't wear them around each other, but we can't spread it to the other classrooms? odd.) and loads of hand-gel. i can already tell that this will just be one of those weeks. bring it...

i'm off to bed to get my rest so i can face the morning ready to fight this nasty piggy.

wishing you all the best things today. : )


  1. Good for you! A 30 day plan is a great place to start! I am in such a rut right good... Good luck with the flu stuff! Icky :/

  2. Thanks Kaity! I understand being in a rut...i've been in one for 6 months. ugh. I'm so stressed about getting sick, but that probably won't help. I'm just going to be sleeping and taking my echinacea vitamins. Thanks for being my follower! Love ya.

  3. blogs can often become obsessions... i've found that that is ok, but don't let it start to control you! Cause then it's just too much pressure cause you feel like you HAVE to blog. not good...
